Hi there-
My mother pays for my membership as an X-mas gift for me. Her payments are set up monthly, but for some reason the money for my account keeps getting credited to her account even though she is not a member/doesnt want to be a member. Is there any way we can put a note or something next to my name so I dont have to bug someone that my badge no workey every month?
Hey Sandra, I am sorry for the issue. I know that I put it in correct? I found out that the update for getting the system to admit it had not been run at the time. I am truly sorry for not being able for you to get in with your own badge and I do hope that we have fixed it. It should be good today, but I would give it a bare minimum of 12 to 24 hours to ensure that it doesn’t have an issue. I do understand the issue that that provides to you. If you wish to use the space as we want you too as well. please have a wonderful day. I will make sure that when I am updating information that the script is run in a timely fashion. Thank you and have a wonderful day