If anyone is at the makerspace today and could provide me with the serial number for the green oven in the metal shop, that would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I am not sure where to find it on the machine so you may have to look around. It may be on the paperwork in the envelope attached to the inside of the electrical panel on the side.
It’s been a past practice that all equipment should be listed on the wiki page for whatever area it’s in, and that if necessary for the amount of information associated with the equipment a separate page created as well.
Question, At what point does the equipment get added to wiki. Right now the oven and sand blaster are still in their setup phase to see if they can even stay at the space as modifications need done to see if they will even work for us. At what point should a item be added to the wiki for reference? @mikeb
It’s usually been desirable to add to the table of equipment for the area once the item is available for use, especially if some kind of authorization is required.
Obviously, being all volunteers with varying abilities and time to spare this hasn’t been done consistently.
I’m aware of and surprised that some people find editing the wiki intimidating. I have often pointed out how difficult it would be to seriously damage the wiki given that reverting changes when necessary is a built-in feature of a wiki. There is a “grammar” that has a learning curve especially for tables, but it’s easier than html by quite a bit.
I am a little behind on keeping up with the wiki page. Once we can confirm that the oven and sand blaster are operational, I will add them to the wiki along with photos and corresponding operator/maintenance manuals, as well as any notes about limitations of use, or the addition of a new column (recommended safety equipment).
I wasn’t meaning to ding you on this. I just saw the picture of the serial numbers and thought to myself that I should add that to the wiki page because that seemed like good info. I looked and saw we didn’t have an entry yet for that machine. I mentioned it so someone would remind me (or someone else) when we got an entry.