Ceramics Featured Maker: James Conrad
Our second featured ceramicist is a regular in the studio. Known for his prolific production of pointed pieces, James has inspired curiosity and created conversation around making pieces that are unique for the purpose of just because. Keep an eye on his work, especially if you are looking for inspiration in glazing your pieces, as he has had an enormous amount of success with glaze combinations and decoration. Don’t let his quiet demeanor fool you, he’s got plenty to say about art and the creative process.
~ About James ~
Joined MakeICT: January, 2018
Born: Grand Forks, North Dakota
Why Ceramics: James has always had an interest in art and ceramics. When the opportunity to take ceramics class came up in his sophomore year at Southeast High School he took it up. When asked why he says: “as cliche as it sounds, it just made sense.”
Biggest Ceramics Challenge: Figuring out how to use the wheel! It took a couple of months to really get it figured out.
What’s Next: To keep getting better and grow his skill with the wheel and his art.
Hobbies: Ceramics, make electronic music, digital art and drawing, abstract painting
If He Had One Wish: “To have my art around the world.”
Instagram: www.instagram.com/artistically_james
Please say howdy to James the next time you see him!