Hi, i just joined! I’m interested in pottery right now and wood shop! I love animals and the outdoors and working with my hands. I just planted lettuce, kale, collards and spinach iny fall garden. I look forward to meeting people and membership!
Welcome aboard!
Welcome Jesse. I’m in ceramics. I do mainly hand-building. It’s great to have more people in ceramics!
Our next Ceramics Studio orientation is this coming Tuesday evening, Oct 4, 6-7. Hope you can join us. We’ll get you going to use the studio.
Hi! The Garden will be having a planning meeting discussion with the Sedgwick County Extension (Master Gardeners?) on Friday Oct 7 at 6 PM if you’d like to join us. I’m not sure which room we’ll be in yet.
Thank you! I should be able to make it!
I might be there, thanks
So i havent been to general orientation yet, may I attend the ceramics class this coming Tuesday?
Sure thing. Ring the bell and let whomever answers the door know you are there for Ceramics Night. Starts at 6ish. Come whenever.
Thanks Patrick
On Thu, Sep 29, 2022, 12:32 PM Patrick Hutchison via MakeICT Forum <noreply@talk.makeict.org> wrote:
| pwhutchi Ceramics Area Lead
September 29 |
- | - |
Sure thing. Ring the bell and let whomever answers the door know you are there for Ceramics Night. Starts at 6ish. Come whenever.
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Thanks Frank!