New Member- Deidre

Hello :wave:t2:, names Deidre(pronounced Dee-druh but you can just call me Dee) I am from El Dorado, KS. I am a Project Manager at a facilities maintenance company by day but a creative hobbyist by night.

I have recently gotten into ceramics and it has bloomed into a passion of mine, although I really have only been glazing and painting bisque. I would LOVE to take a class and try my hand on the pottery wheel. Up until joining due to my work schedule I could really only do ceramics one day a week if I weren’t on call, having the opportunity to go craft whenever I want is very exciting to me.

I joined for the ceramics lab, but maker Monday showed me that there are many other things that I could gain from utilizing other areas in the space as well. From 3D printing to textiles, wood shop, and I know someone mentioned a D&D campaign?? I am absolutely thrilled to be here!

Photo tax of some of my painted projects :smiley:


Nice to meet you the other day! Welcome and enjoy the space!

That… cactus… is… AWESOME!!

Hey, what glaze did you use on the steak and veggies? They look so real! :laughing:


ooooh, beautiful work! And I totally get what you mean hahaha, I was intrigued by all the things I could do, and I’ve seen myself bounce around like 4 areas now :laughing: I’m having a blast!


Counting down the days until Saturday’s orientation!!! :star_struck:


Hi Dee - it was nice meeting you in Ceramics a few weeks back. Be sure and check out the new Wheel Throwing Workshop series starting June 8th (Saturday afternoons). Hope to see you there!

MakeICT Calendar
Ceramics - Wheel Throwing Fundamentals Workshop