New Classes

Hey folks as we head towards the end of the year, I have noticed that we are slowly loosing steam in teaching classes. Not sure what is going on, but I would like to encourage some of you to pick up the torch. I know Kim is looking for people to help her do laser cutter classes. I would love to see some basic electricity classes for Electronics… I nearly put a class on the calendar for me to teach one (Mechanical engineers tend to hate electricity, so that’s a big deal), the ladies in Textiles would love a few new classes and I am sure all the other areas would love some new helpers.

(If you are hesitant to try one, contact me and i will set you up with either a one-on-one or a How to teach a class class.)


To clarify: I’m happy teaching laser cutter authorization, and I’ve got plans to sprinkle in some make-and-take add on classes.

I’d like someone else to take on the laser cutter rotary tool.

I’ve often thought about teaching basic electronics as it’d help me get back to my own roots but what do people want to see? You can teach somebody to plug capacitors into a bread board so the LEDs blink but then… what do they do with it? Or do we want an Arduino 101? I’d do it if we could set those computers in the lab up with IDE.


Thanks for clarifying Kim! (I was thinking super simple electricity… lemon batteries and what a circuit is and super simple things…something for the person who is a super noob). I am sure we could get folks for the higher-level stuff too! I am not even sure that we will have people for a basics class… but I know a lot of folks who tour the electronics room have that deer-in-the-headlights stare.


I have some 3D printing/modeling classes in the works possibly with @SteveO and @bradcozine and I’m going to bring up the “Path to the Tormach” machining classes in CAD group tonight.

We talked at the last FabLab workday about @xrunner going over the rotary tool with me and @ssaner so we could put the class back together.

I tried to talk @W0RDR into teaching the basic electronics class the other day, but he had some resistance… (I’ll show myself out)


Lol … love it Gemma!

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Er… My “capacity” to take on developing another class is what leads to my “reluctance” to take charge of a primary electronics class. There’s some stuff going at home causing impedance in this area. Ohm my, maybe after the first of the year I’ll find the electronics motivation force to do so. [I ran out of electronics puns, my battery of them is depleted.]

I’m also thinking of teaching another “Technician Class Amateur Radio License” course in spring if we can generate enough interest…



Can confirm, the deer in the headlights sounds exactly like me lol. I’m SUPER new so its not even just the room, its also all the lingo :rofl:

As a side note, I have some string lights in my daughter’s room that take 2 D batteries and they don’t seem to last very long at all, so it feels super wasteful. I wanted to see if it were possible to maybe change out the battery with like…a solar panel or something. I have no idea if this is possible but if anyone would teach a class on how solar panels or other power sources work with electronics, I’m so there!

I’ve been so busy with the market that I haven’t thought about classes lately, but I am interested in an Inkscape class. It frustrates me sometimes lol. Maybe a basic and an advanced?

I would maybe be able to teach a class on Clip Studio Paint, but idk how many people would be interested in that. Maybe a general digital art class to people who have wanted to try it but have been a little intimidated? Every program has the same basics, so it could be anyone who wants to use any program (Gimp, FireAlpaca, CSP, whatever!). I think its the class that I have heard the most requested from me when I explain what I do.


Gimp is free and on a lot of platforms… I know enough to be dangerous… lol… but we could do that currently in room 2 as we have Linux in there

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Each battery is 1.5V, so a total of 3V. We can see if there is a 3V power supply kicking around in Electronics… if not, they can be had for a few bucks.

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I set up a quilting class for textiles. So far doesnt look like anyone signed up. Will offer basic sewing, a pouch or bag, soon.

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Tagging @Jimmy who just expressed interest in teaching more classes.

I’d be happy to help teach Amateur Radio classes as well.
Tony, KB5ZIP


I think I can put together a basic electricity class. I will message @ladeana directly to work out the deets.


There was an ask on here a couple months ago about a 3d printing class and I volonteered to teach but was told I had to take a whole, “how to teach a class class” Didn’t see one of those on the calendar so gave up the idea. if that’s a requirement, I feel it should be something that’s just a repeating schedule like maker monday and new member orientation

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Sorry if I wasn’t clear. The “how to teach a class class” isn’t a requirement … it is just my way of grouping folks together to get them all the info to teach a class. You can also just get with me and I can get you up to speed individually… and that will work too. (Nov and Dec I am usually gone 3-4 weeks during… so I haven’t scheduled one)


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On Monday, December 4, 2023, 9:30 AM, Diana Bell via MakeICT Forum wrote:

| Moon_Goddess MakeICT Member
December 4 |

  • | - |

There was an ask on here a couple months ago about a 3d printing class and I volonteered to teach but was told I had to take a whole, “how to teach a class class” Didn’t see one of those on the calendar so gave up the idea. if that’s a requirement, I feel it should be something that’s just a repeating schedule like maker monday and new member orientation

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We started doing the 3D Printing Basics class as a team-taught thing last night, and it worked so well. I wanted to talk about that at the 3D Printing Group meeting next month, and get other people involved with it too. The more people we have who can run people through that class and even peer-authorize, the better.


Sorry i missed the 3d printing class.
My spouse began the 12 hour norovirus thing and I knew I should :

  • stay home and take care of her
    -not go out after being in contact with her .

I had it weeks ago. [From grandkids]. But still learned a thing or two from a pandemic. She is better today, thanks for wondering.

You had a crowd!


I’ll let you know when the January class is. Glad she’s feeling better.


It was me that asked volunteers to take the “How to teach a class” with the hope to folks know what they’re getting into.