My Name is David, I'm into Information Tech and Business Intelligence

Good evening, I’m joining MakeICT at the end of September 2023. I figured I should be with the all the nerds! I’ve been an auto mechanic for a racing team, disaster operations center manager for a community aid organization, and a project director for a government healthcare organization. My interests are in information technology, business intelligence, and business process engineering. I am enjoying the RV life (and all of the associated repair work) around Wichita for at least the fall and I would be happy to meet you!


Welcome fellow nerd. I know you will find loads of geeky fellowship here. Lots of us “retired” techies here. (You do know we never really retire, right?)



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Welcome David! I’d love to know more about your BI experience. Might be a skill we could use for strategizing around MakeICT. I’m a big fan of data-driven decisions.


There are few things I love looking at more than data and processes. I’d be happy to take join any board meetings or any appropriate groups to see if I can’t offer any insights.


Nice meeting you last night and Welcome!


Nice to meet you! I work PT at a auto oarts store if you need anything.

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