My function is "lead"

… not janitor, not mechanic, not mom, not guess what this is, not detective.

Please, put your name on stuff you are working on, just don’t just leave stuff on the cutting table wxoecting me or others to read your mind. Better yet, tsje it awsy with you.
Please don’t just leave stuff outside the door expecting us to know what it is and why, don’t just dump fabric. AND CLEAN UP AFTETR YOURSELF. Nobody wants to come in to a mess on the floor or elsewhere. If you spill, clean it up, if you "break, jam or otherwise make a machine unuseable, please post so I can come in and fix it. A note on the machine saying it doesn’t work is not helpful. Please tell me why it doesn’t work or what it does not do or even what it did that it shouldn’t do.

I cannot get any projects of my own done if I have to spend my time doing things that should be part of your work stream. I appreciate your help in keeping textiles available for all.


I’ve had similar problems in ceramics.