More successful "Ham" classes

Last Sunday we completed our 2nd Technician Class (entry-level) course and held FCC license exams for it and the Extra Class (top-level) license. The Extra course was completed 2 weeks ago.

I’m very pleased to report that all students from the courses passed. A 100% success rate is rather unusual, especially given the levels of the classes involved.

Thanks to Joe Pajor who helped with the classes, especially last Saturday when i became very ill.

Also, thanks to the facilities team for getting a great projector permanently installed in CR 4. And LaDeanna for helping coordinate it all. I love teaching, and diong it at MakeICT is a pleasure. I look foward to the next opportunity.

Randy Reynard - W0RDR
Registered Instructor


Great! If you start another Extra class, I’m interested.


I would love to do another “Extra Class” course. I would like at least 6 students, that seems pretty hard to do.

73 de W0RDR


I wouldn’t mind going for my Extra Class, but its been so long since I did my General exam that I’ve forgotten almost everything

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Not a problem, we’ll catch you up. Honestly, I had to do a LOT of studying to prepare for teaching the Extra class. The course materials are outstanding.

73 de W0RDR

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I would love to have a General or Extra, but at the same time, the cost of equipment is a limiting factor for me in the hobby, and most times I get on a repeater with my handheld no one talks to me so it’s hard to justify spending more money if I’m not going to use it.

Maybe we need more visibility on what is going on in the ham world.

Whisky Oscar, you think you can update the electronics forum with stuff going on in the airwaves¿

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“Goddess”, there is a lot of equipment on the streets that may not be new, but which works great. You might have to do some searching but there are people (like myself and other experienced hams within MakeICT). The price of equipment shouldn’t be a barrier to entry. It may just require some searching to find that “right radio”. They show up at hamfests and online all the time.

73 de W0RDR


On May 17, 2024, at 12:43, Diana Bell via MakeICT Forum wrote:

| Moon_Goddess MakeICT Member
May 17 |

  • | - |

I would love to have a General or Extra, but at the same time, the cost of equipment is a limiting factor for me in the hobby, and most times I get on a repeater with my handheld no one talks to me so it’s hard to justify spending more money if I’m not going to use it.

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I actually did that under a “Ham Radio” topic in “General”.

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Do I have to be a MakeICT member to take a ham class? So far I’ve just done the Maker Monday visit. If it’s allowed, put me down for your “Extra Class” course too. I’m currently expired Advanced (too long ago to renew) and I’d like to get back into it.

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You do not have to be a member to take classes at MakeICT (at least no the Ham classes). It’d just $5 more to register.

I probably won’t be doing another Extra course for a while but you CAN renew your license, even if it’s been expired a long time. You simply take the Tech test and it will renew your license, restoring you to whichever class you previously held.

Check with the Wichita Amateur Radio Club (WARC) VE Team. We’re testing next Friday evening. Go to to find the session and register. Testing is free.

73 de W0RDR


From: on behalf of Kim Kirwan via MakeICT Forum
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 9:45 PM
Subject: [MakeICT] More successful “Ham” classes

June 7

Do I have to be a MakeICT member to take a ham class? So far I’ve just done the Maker Monday visit. If it’s allowed, put me down for your “Extra Class” course too. I’m currently expired Advanced (too long ago to renew) and I’d like to get back into it.

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Thanks for the info, I didn’t know about the late renewal trick. I’m in classes the next three Fridays so I can’t make that exam, but I’ll keep looking.

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It’s harder nowadays to find good used equipment than when I was a kid. The Derby Radio Shack closing did not help out - we can’t expect a guy to work forever. Shawn and Mark earned their retirement.