Missing ring

Hello! Last night I was working on some projects in the studio and somehow misplaced my grandmother’s ring! It is a silver shaped ring with turquoise and coral, if anyone happens across it please let me know!
Thank you so much my number is 3074218138 if you happen to find it.


What part of the studio were you in the most? Which wheel of you were throwing? We’ll give it a good look this evening.

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate it I looked all over, and I’m hoping an extra set of eyes will help. I took it off and was working at the first large white table and then second wheel from the back of the room.


Is there a chance it fell in the clay muck at the wheel and then ended up in the recycle clay? Hope it is found!!!

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Might check the bathrooms.

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Since you were working on the wheel, it might have came off while throwing, its happened to me before.

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I didn’t see anything last night but will keep looking.

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