Masonite loading/unloading

It is that time again. Our supply of laser material is low. We will need some help to replenish it. There are several options for members.

  1. If someone has a vehicle that will fit and a 4x8 sheet of material. The stack of Masonite are 4x8 sheets with a combined depth of 8". My best estimation is about 1200 pounds. The Masonite is somewhere at Spirit.

  2. We will need as many people as possible to help load and unload, and cut the material down. It is a chore with only a few people.

Please send me a message to if you are willing to help and what your available time is, or just put a reply on this thread.

Once we have an idea of the time frame we will send the lucky ones the good news.

Thanks for your help.


If it can come into the wood shop, I’ll be happy to spend an hour or two (or however long it takes) cutting it down on the table saw.


Due to the weather and hours we it would need to be tomorrow morning. I can’t help, so we may need to wait for a few weeks.

Please let me know if you are willing to help in a few weeks and I will put you on the list.


Put me down for cutting it to size, at least. Loading and unloading big piles of it makes my cardiologist all pissy, though.

Would be nice if we had a material rack made for the next delivery.

I have a 3/4 ton pick up. I even know where it was the last time. I can go get it, but I believe I need a employee with me?