Mario seems to be disconnected

I’ve been trying to work on a project and the PC is fine, but it can’t find Mario/Mario doesn’t respond.

I’ve reset the PC & Mario several times, turned it off & walked away, disconnect the USB plug and reconnected it.

I’ve looked at past disconnection problems and tried to see what happened to make it start.

The only thing I haven’t done yet is something with the controller because I don’t understand what is being asked.

I’m getting ready to head out but lmk what I can do next time to get it working.


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It doesn’t use USB to connect anymore, it is connected via ethernet. I would make sure that both the computer and the laser have their network cables connected and that the ethernet settings are selected in Lightburn (main page bottom right). If that’s all good I would check that the network switch on the wall is working that the lights on the ports for the computer and the laser are on. I’ll check on it next time I’m over there.

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Awesome thank you! I’ll check that tomorrow night when I go back!

I will be around for maker Monday tomorrow and can check it out then too.

Not sure if anyone did anything, but Mario seems to be chugging along as normal.

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