Maker City was an intricate part of the Nation of Makers Conference. It’s free to read online and I received a free physical copy, that I will donate to the maker space once I finish reading it. They also have a condensed version you can download and read as well. I highly encourage anyone who is in leadership or plans to be in leadership to read this. The authors are currently in Kansas City helping them prepare for their future as a Maker City. They have been in contact with our City’s Economic Development Department and stressed that we need to work on our relationship with them. I recommend that the next board host a Maker Monday type event for City Government. Get them into the building, show them what we are doing, and get their feedback for how we can support the future plans they have. Project Wichita is now aware that we are interested in being involved in planning for the future of the city, they also have a group of 80 non-profits that are in on the conversation of the city’s future, they are going to try to add us to that group.
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Great idea!
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