Makeict Sign gone?

So. right around the time of the makerversary, someone went out and rollered “MakeIct” on the sign out front on Mt.Vernon. Well, its gone now. What happened to it? The skeleton really isnt helping the aesthetics at the moment.

The -entire- sign?

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well just drive by. The superstructure is still there, the “guts” of the sign still stands, however the metal sheathing on the outside is Gone. I have the feeling that someone, with the best intentions may have arbitrarily painted Makeict on there not knowing that it was a no no, in the sense it needed to be done by a professional sign painter, per discussed in a yr old thread about the sign. I would hope that whoever did it would have been pulled aside and quietly reprimanded but not suffer some sort of traumatic suspension of membership and publicly shamed as it isnt healthy to do that. Doing so i think would discourage others from wanting to go the extra mile and donate time and energy to other projects and tasks.

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Sign options and the sign project were discussed at the board meeting last night. I suspect we’ll hear more about that soon on the forum as there’s a bit of project coming up to get us a lovely new sign. I’d stay tuned.

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Oddly specific but im sure completely innocent in the grand river of time.

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