Looking for cherry hardwood

I’ve talked to several sources lately who swear up and down that end-grain cherry hardwood makes the best letterpress cuts (think linoleum print block) when cut on the laser. I’d like to give it a try, so I’m looking for any cherry off-cuts anyone might have. The only real requirements are that they be square (parallel surfaces, especially on the end grain sides), and a minimum of 1" x 1" x .918". The .918" dimension is critical, so I have to have a way to plane or sand them to that thickness. If you have some left over from a project, hit me up and we’ll give it a try.


I don’t have any cherry but I have quite a few hardwoods that we could test. Have you heard any other wood suggestions or are you totally sold on getting only cherry?

And did they mention any specific reasons why cherry was the ideal wood for this?

Pen blanks are 1 x 1… then your just a jig away from that depth…I think…

I’ve heard that end-grain cherry holds a better dot for the longest, but hard rock maple is a close second. I imagine that for most things, any good hardwood would be fine.

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I sent you a facebook group invite. The admin sells cherry in all quantites, including scrap


i might gave some cherry i can spare, its pallet wood, and ive been told thats what it is. ill pull off a couple of pieces and leave them by the printing press.