Looking for a few makers to inspire 5th graders

Many of you may not be familiar with Arts Partners but they are a great organization focused on bringing arts into our Wichita schools. This semester they have a great project to renovate and beautify McAdams park which is right next to the L’Ouverture technology magnet school. The program is called Generation STEAM and they are asking if we (MakeICT) would have some makers that would like to come and talk about the process of making and how we help people make stuff. The classes are on Fridays at 10:45


Count me in after March 1st

Awesome. I’ll get you the details.

I’m interested in this as well.

Have things kicked off on this event or how are things going?

I start working with my student on March 22nd.

Can someone participate even if their parole isn’t completed?

Asking for a friend.

They do a background on everyone so I’m sure it would be a red flag but not sure if it’s a deal breaker.