Left my phone there last night :(

So, I left my phone there last night. It’s plugged into a charger on the tables in the front. Don’t have a keycard yet, so hoping someone might be around tomorrow morning after 8-9ish so I can get in there and get it. I’ll keep an eye on this if anyone can respond to verify they’ll be there during that time. Thanks a bunch!


Lately Bart has been at the space around that time. I’m not planning on being there at a particular time, partly because of a very strange sleep schedule, but I am there a lot. If I happened to be there, is there somewhere I could drop it off to you during the day?

Hey David,

My wife is going to be in Wichita around 8-9, So I’ll have her stop by and check. I’ll also be down that way this afternoon as well. I live/work down in Derby, so don’t want to have anyone go out of their way to have to bring it. Thanks for the reply!