June Laser engraver Class


I was wondering if there was going to be a laser engraver class soon.

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okay - posted one for evening of Wednesday June 19. I’m pretty busy this week but flexible next week, so if Wednesday doesn’t work for you name 2-3 other dates that would and I’m open to moving it. thanks for requesting!


Thank you for offering the class! I should be able to make Wednesday but honestly Monday would be most ideal. If not I completely understand if we have to do Wednesday. Thank you in advance.

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Mondays this month are bad for me so we’ll stick to Wednesday, hopefully we get a few more to sign up the classes have been small lately!

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No worries, See you Wednesday.

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oh my gosh we got 3 people tonight! points!

Anyone else want to jump in, now’s the time to sign up we’ll get started around 7pm.

Otherwise I threw one on the calendar for Tuesday July 16.


I may show up again to relearn. I have a 6pm dinner to attend but it shouldnt go too long.