The jointer is locked out until I can get back to flip a bunch of inserts. There are two missing and about 4 inches of width is currently unusable. Additionally, the infeed table is damaged and needs to be filed flat again.
If you are using a tool and it breaks or becomes damaged, let SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, EVERYBODY know so that it can be fixed. I don’t know if somebody was trying to joint a brick or what but there’s no way this all happened and the user didn’t know something was wrong.
And if the board you are working with has screws, nails, rocks, or other hardware in it, remove the hardware or other hard objects before running it through the jointer or planer.
@whateg01 Thanks for posting.
All, please inform the area lead if ever any piece of equipment fails, breaks, pr os otherwise unable to be used safely or productively. To fail in doing so we, at best, put off the repair, at worst, we endanger the life and limbs of our fellow members.
The broken jointer is not only unusable, but also dangerous.
Jointer is back up. The inner-most insert is missing from each row so the fence needs to be in about an inch.
Replacement inserts are on their way. Until then the jointer is running at the diminished capacity that @whateg01 details above.
Saturday morning I’ll be replacing damaged teeth on, and calibrating the jointer.