Jig for cutting 4-20 sided shapes on table saw

I saw a jig online that looked interesting, it is the Miter Set Segments. Basically it is a plate with holes that allows the miter gauge to be easily set for any shape with 4 to 20 sides. (I am sure everyone else has known about this but I didn’t.) Since we have a ShopBot and I have AutoCAD I drew up a very similar piece and cut the holes in a piece of pine. Then I tested it with a 9 sided polygon. Since it worked out great, I thought I would offer to leave it in the wood shop for anyone else that would like to use it.

Couple things:

  1. The real thing can be found at: https://miterset.com/ But it costs $80.
  2. Is there any approval required for jigs that are left in the area?
  3. Doug this might be a good use for that extra green plastic from the shopBot dust hood…


I may have to try a segmented bowl.


I loved this so much, I had to share on our FB. Thanks for contributing to our community on multiple levels.

That’s cool. Thanks for sharing!

That’s awesome, and it sounds like a perfect use for that green plastic. Have at it! No special approval needed.

Hi Jerold, I’d like to make one of these. Would you be willing to share the code to create it?

Welcome Phil! Are you wanting g-code for a specific machine? Or are you wanting a model or dxf?

Hi there,

Legacy with V Carve pro

I just stumbled onto your website. I wish I lived closer as this program looks EXCELLENT!!! At least I can follow along on the forums.

Thanks, Phil

I’m trying to wrap my head around how this works. Is there a video online explaining it?


Found it!