Jewelry Lab use

Ted and I found this Saturday in the MakeICT Jewelry Lab.
We don’t have any issues with authorized individuals working in our Jewelry area, just that this person has not been authorized. The next authorization class is the 10th of January at 6:00 pm expect to see them there.
In any case if there is a need to use the Jewelry area for a large project please coordinate with the Jewelry leads, as this will help everyone.
Ted and I observed that no one used what was in the Jewelry area for roughly 4 hours from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Saturday. The concern is simply that Jewelry materials and tools are valuable, and while our security cameras watch the Jewelry Lab they are no substitute for simply securing your property when you leave for an extended time.
The Jewelry leads want the Jewelry lab used so how can we help?



I’ve been interested in learning some jewelry making basics since I joined, but the class on the 10th is already full. Any plans to make this a recurring event?


I’m also interested in getting authorized in the jewelry lab. Please advise if anyone drops out of the Jan 10th class.