Looking for scrap peices of 1/4" or 1/2" skinned nomex honeycomb panels. Ideally pieces would be larger than 24"x36".
I’ve got a handful of low priority projects (mostly jigs) that I could use this for. The kind of thing that could be made again and again, so I could use now and into the future for as long as I’m making stuff. But, again, it’s low priority and I’d need to pick it up at rock bottom used pricing. Minor damage is no issue.
Anyway, if you’ve got any lying around or a lead on a source, please give me a shout.
I will look in my garage but I know the biggest sizes I might have are like 8" x 18"… if i can findem. They are as yet unfaced, but we can remedy that…
Any interest in a 5 ft sq of cardboard hex panel. Skinned both sides? I think i have one at my rental house garage.
I will try to get my cardboard panel to the woodshoptoday or tomrrow. So far my forays into my garage did not find my nomex pieces, but I will look again when free from work conferences.