Is this something someone can do for me? (Rotary Engraving)

I want to get my husband a new water bottle with his logo engraved on it like these. I am assuming these are done with a laser cutter? (If not, my whole question is null and void. :joy: ) I am not Laser Cutter Authorized yet, so if I was able to get a bottle and the image, could someone etch this for me?

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Ya, that’s done with the laser and the rotary tool… you’d actually have to take the Laser Cutter Basics and Advanced (which covers the rotary tool.) I haven’t taken the rotary class yet, but there are many people who use it often.

I hope someone with more experience with the rotary attachment offers to help. I’m authorized and would be willing to try but I haven’t attempted any round objects since the class. I’ve also only cut wood, acrylic and leather. I don’t know the power and speed settings necessary for that type of finish. Good luck!

You’ve got to add weight inside the container directly below the area being engraved. I used a hunk of clay from ceramics stuck to the inside wall of the container. If you don’t do that the container doesn’t have enough weight to spin on the rotary tool and the design will come out stretched and squished. You’ll probably need a burner container for testing before you get it dialed in and produce good results on the final version. :+1:


Can I ask where you bought the water bottle and an approximate price? It’s a nice looking one and I might want to try etching one for myself.