Interest for a class on Digital Art?

I took the Inkscape class with @kim a while ago and it set me on the right path (vector pun?) with Inkscape. Now, a few years later, I’m doing some pretty fun stuff with it. That’d be a good class to have again! (** hint, hint! **) Very useful prerequisite for using the laser, plasma cnc, shopbot, textile patterning and so much more!


Hi, I hope you are doing well today. Sorry for the late reply.
Well, I have a lot to learn. I only draw on paper and have an expert digitize my work but now i need to do it all on my own.
This is the second book i am working on. The first one is published already and I am being pressured to finish the second one and its more complex. I think is time i move on to more efficient methods.
Please let me know if you are going to be around the space sometime and have a minute to show me a software that you like to use or maybe a class that you are teaching soon.

thank you


Wichita Steel Arts
Sosa, A

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I would love a class like this. I have an iPad, would that be appropriate?

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Totally! Any software for drawing would be welcome for group but I personally can’t teach anything specific to (I’m assuming) Procreate as I don’t use it myself. Though most drawing software has all the same basic functions so I’m sure we can figure it out haha.

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Actually XPPEN is really poor quality. Huion makes some desktop and portable drawing monitors that are wonderful quality for a decent cost.

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I have one of these on my home workstation.


Yall and your huge tablets!!! Lol I’m jealous :rofl: mine is a 12" old Wacom merely because it was secondhand and it still functions :laughing:

I don’t recommend Wacom to people though, only cuz the company is sketch (no pun intended lol). I’ve just heard good things about XPPen from artists in my field of view. I’ve also heard good things about Huion.


Wacom is the industry standard. The only thing sketchy is the price. You pay for the brand more than actual value and quality of the product.

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okay… I’ve been saying “I want to do that again” for like SIX MONTHS when people ask about an inkscape class so this thread finally got me the motivation to do it! Not sure how I missed this tag by a month so I’m glad it got bumped up!

I just set up a class for February 28: MakeICT - Inkscape Basics - Springtime Edition

Here is my fast event photo for the facebook:

You may notice that it’s not exactly a work of art. I’m an engineer, I love artists enough to know that they have something I do not and my inkscape classes are fairly utilitarian. The goal is always cut something out on the laser/vinyl/plasma/CNC cutters… it’s for the machines.

On the other hand, drawing and art classes have always been a frequent MakeICT request, so I’d encourage a digital art class too, I also have ipad will travel! When is that one going on the calendar?

I used to teach inkscape every other month with holiday themes…
February - Hearts & Valentines (oops missed that boat this year)
April - plants, I just decided
June - Stars and stripes? Maybe boats or fish or something? We’ll see how the springtime class goes.
August - Text and back to school stuff
October - spooky houses and ghosts DEFINITELY
December - Snowflakes, my personal favorite because hexagonal symmetry


Yeeeees I’m def signing up for that one!!! Thank you Kim!!! :star_struck:

And I had initially put the digital art group on hold because the computer lab needed to be fixed up a bit first, but maybe I can just have one in the Lounge? And just have it for portable tablets and sketchbooks until we can get into the computer lab. I’ll try for March, that way we can get to know some people and see what they want to learn so I know what programs people have too, for research.

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I’m planning to use the laptop cart for this one, but I would also love to see the computer lab fixed up, maybe we could meet up and brainstorm on it! I’d be happy to teach on linux computers, but it needs…

  1. a teacher station up front running to the projector
  2. empty spaces because some people will always bring their own laptops

I would love to meet up, maybe we can meet with @ladeana and sort out what we’re wanting from the computer lab! Saturday is a good day for me to come down, what about yall?

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Annnnd…here is the Facebook event post!


@IT is actively working on the Comuter Lab equipment setup, see Board Minutes January 18th 2024 - MakeICT Wiki. As such, whatever wishlist you come up with should be shared with them to see which use cases are and are not feasible!


I am usually free on Saturdays


On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 10:28 AM Tricia Cortes via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| r3mm13 Committee Lead
February 11 |

  • | - |

I would love to meet up, maybe we can meet with @ladeana and sort out what we’re wanting from the computer lab! Saturday is a good day for me to come down, what about yall?

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While my emphasis is Blender, I have no issues with any digital drawing program either 2d or 3d.
So come and have fun, we can learn together, it’s all digital art!

The Blender meetup is Thursday evening 6:00 to 6:30 starting time, classroom 4 or 3

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So my wanting a 2D digital art group was for the ability to have a better look at what specific needs our community has in relation to that. But maybe once a month we can do a double meetup!!! That sounds like fun. I’d love to learn some 3D stuffs somewhere down the road :grin:

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Blender will do 2d, look up Blender grease pencil .

blender grease intorduction

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