IBM ThinkPad

I found this ibm thinkpad in the fab lab, someone said it was probably for cnc but it has no software on it and only goes into bios

In the off chance it is used in cnc, i could totally trade my raspberry pi 3b for it, as i desperately need a laptop. If anyone has any info on it id be appreciated. Thanks!

@xrunner ?

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@jameslancaster @gemma @ssaner …any others who might know what this laptop is/was used for?

If it is not needed, I believe it would have to go thru a 3 nerd rule auction.


I’m not familiar with it. @Tobias778 was it under the table where the black mill is, or was it left sitting out? Want to make sure it belongs in FabLab and not lost and found first.


It was sitting in a cardboard box covered in dust


Yep, then it’s probably a FabLab thing. @xrunner I know it’s not currently being used for anything.


Again, if it does happen to be running something or its planned on running something, id totally be willing to trade a computer.

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Would a trade be allowed as an offer? If so, we’d need to determine the cash value. Is there a use for a Pi-3b as MakeICT property?

If this moves forward, I’ll fill-out a Taking Offers Form and look for two board members who would also have to sign the form.

Related to this discussion: Property Removal


I was thinking under the assumption it wad being used for a cnc machine. From what i can tell its just laying around, but if it was running a cnc mill i know many cnc mills would run better using a raspberry pi given the raspberry pi 3 b could run better for a cnc mill than a 20 year old laptops. I also have really been needing a laptop i could use everyday so to me it seems like a win win.

If it’s inventoried to FabLab then it would most likely have to be 3nerd ruled and go through the auction process.

If its a hackable then I don’t see a problem with it policy wise.


Yeah, I was trying to figure out if it would have been considered hackable, given it lacks any operating system and doesn’t have an inventory tag.

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I keep forgetting to ask: Do you have this laptop? I haven’t been able to find it in the Fab Lab.

I just found out on Wednesday that the laptop is personal property. If you currently have it, please return it. Thanks.

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