The ceramics studio is a shared space. Dark clay bodies are welcome, leaving messes is not welcome nor appreciated. I trust this member will return and clean up after themselves.
September 28 we came in and found the canvas table top in this same condition from black clay. So this photo isn’t the first time recently someone left it in this condition.
Also that evening a lot of black clay was still on the floor around the table and in the sink area. Also on the rolling slab mats then too. Took a long time and a lot of work but we cleaned it up ourselves that night even though we didn’t make the mess.
Yesterday we washed out the rolling canvas’ again because they were coated with dark clays.
Dark clays transfer onto the lighter clay used by the majority of members and can ruin pieces. There are wedging boards stored near the mop bucket for use by those using dark clay. Those who choose to use it also need to be very careful to completely clean up after themselves.
I spoke with the member directly regarding this problem. I consider this matter resolved and will continue to deal with any future problems.
I want to address an experience I recently had at the studio regarding cleanup. I use dark clay and was the one who cleaned up the mess referenced in this post (not made by me), so I ask that assumptions not be made about everyone who uses dark clay.
One morning, after being away from the studio for several weeks, I returned to find a note on my pieces asking that I use the wedging board by the mop bucket because my dark clay was ruining others’ work with light clay. I completely understand the concern and now make certain to use said wedging board. That said, I don’t know who left the note, but it felt unsettling and borderline bullying. If there are concerns about the use of dark clay, I kindly ask that these be addressed in our monthly ceramics meeting (which I need to be better at attending), with our leads, or via a friendly post on this forum. Open communication fosters a better community for everyone.