Herbs and lettuce in boiler room

Hello! I’ve been keeping my eye on some lettuce in the boiler room that’s beyond ready to plant. I thought maybe they were for personal use, so I wasn’t sure if I should place them in community. There is also some thyme, lavender and sage. Are these meant for the herb garden? I’m able to put them in today, if that’s the case.

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@Bee ? I think she was going to plant them in her personal bed (the herbs)

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Please feel free to plant some of the thyme! I planted some a little too early and it died off. There is already some sage and lavender in the larger herb bed and Sherry is correct, I will be putting some of those in my personal bed on Monday. Whatever is left over I’ll let others use.


Also feel free to add more herbs to the bed as you wish! I didnt fill it because I didnt want put whole bed to just be 3 herbs. Just post on forum what you decided to add!


I have a bunch of basil started so I can definitely add that in once it’s more established. Thanks for letting me know! :sunglasses:


perfect! I had intended on starting more herbs but didnt have the space available to me and now ive just gotten very busy so I havent been able to get everything I wanted done.

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