Help with my ender 3 pro

After reading about the meetings and the possibility of classes, I would greatly appreciate some help with my ender 3 pro!! Possibly my P1P as well! When is the next meeting and who do I need to contact?
Email is


We currently have a 3D printer group meeting on the calendar every other other Wednesday. Assuming you aren’t a member you’ll need to ring the doorbell to get in. Attendance is pretty low, but I’m almost always there, assuming I don’t do anything dumb like lock my keys in the house. If you’re having a physical issue with your printer it helps if you can bring it in so we can look over it together.


Christian, I will plan on being there this Sunday for the class, can I bring it with me then?


On Jun 7, 2023, at 5:18 PM, Christian Kindel via MakeICT Forum wrote:

| Christian MakeICT Member
June 7 |

  • | - |

We currently have a 3D printer group meeting on the calendar every other other Wednesday. Assuming you aren’t a member you’ll need to ring the doorbell to get in. Attendance is pretty low, but I’m almost always there, assuming I don’t do anything dumb like lock my keys in the house. If you’re having a physical issue with your printer it helps if you can bring it in so we can look over it together.

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What is the address?

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5920 East Mount Vernon Street, 67218 in Wichita, Kansas

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Yeah, we can take a look at it tomorrow after the class.

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