Help with Bltouch on gmax

I need some help with replacing a pin or replacing the Bltouch completely on a new Gmax. I live outside of Halstead if anyone who is familiar with both can help me.

My husband generally does repairs like this, but currently can’t. I can do small repairs to printers, but not this one.

Let me know if you can help!

Is the pen just broken ?
they are like 12$ on amazon there is 2 screws to remove bltouch if it is anything like my creality enders and one in the top of the bltouch to remove and replace pin.
Real easy to fix.
I dont know anything about gmax

It could just be the pin. I have pins. I have a new Bltouch. I’m just not able to do the repair myself.

Could you post pictures of the damage? Might help determine what the issue is and what needs to be done.