Help in textiles needed

Thank you to all our wonderful sewists and quilters for jumping in to help. I am hoping that textiles will continue to be our happy place with great sharing and caring.


Ill be there at noon probably through 7pm. Depends on how hard of a design I settle on lol.


I refuse to let it be any other way. I cant take on a major role like leaders and committees members do due to other responsibilities but I can at least help out in smaller ways.


@lichandlibertine here you go Logan either myself or @RFisher will be able to authorize you. Just shoot over a time you want to get authorized.


So sorry to hear this! If you need help for anything just let me know!


I am a new member, but would love to be able to come watch you use the longarm also. I donā€™t have a key yet, will the doors be open during that time?


No they wont be but if you let me know what time I will keep an eye out for you. Just to cover our bases well get you a guest tag :).


@NicoleR @RFisher Just a note on authorization. Please remember that there are 3 things that need to be done after the authorization:

  • Add the authorization to Wild Apricot. This can be done via the Authorization page on Google.
  • The authorizied user list on the wiki should updated.
  • We need a good email address (gmail woks best) from the member so that they can be added to the calendar access list.

The first two should be available to you to do yourself. For the calendar, ff you can get the email address from the member during their authorization, you can send a request to IT to have that access enabled.

Thanks for your help.


Has this been done for the Sailrite, Adler, and Techsew as well? I know I had asked but I donā€™t remember ever getting an answer, but itā€™s been quite a while.

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There is a space for the wiki, as well as WildApricot authorizations for them. I canā€™t speak to whether those are up to date or not. It looks like the wiki list stops in 2021, and the authorizations in WA only contain Rustin and Sherry, so I suspect those have not been maintained.

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And who can teach me how to do all that? Im lucky I figured out how to use the forum and I am still learning about that

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I donā€™t recall ever getting that information when I was the lead. If you can show me how I will be happy to transfer the information and add any information @ScottS has.The board in 2021 told me I could no longer add name to the wiki because it was an issue, but canā€™t recall what the issue was. @RFisher if we can schedule a time I can get you up to speed.

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Would around 3:30 work?

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