Made a solid gate that’s 10’ long * 6’ tall. Really catches the wind so I didn’t trust the little latch that worked fine when it was just chain link. Mine is just a scaled up version but I also changed the way it mounts to the gate so it’s at the very end for reasons that are clear in the picture. Second objective was to make it so nothing sticks out too catch people or cars or whatever going through the gate. Without being able to slide the bolt back, it stuck out about 3".
I still need to add a lever at the back of the top so I can open the gate without walking all the way around, but just getting this done between work trips was the biggest goal.
I guess I should include the only real bozo moment in the build. Here I welded the piece of angle in red facing the wrong way. It should have been oriented like the green shows.
“Here’s where I was doing a practice weld to make sure my technique was good. I put it 90 degrees from where it should be so I wouldn’t forget and just use the test weld instead. I was completely successful.”
I was fortunate in that I was able to trim a little off the u shaped piece and flip it around. I was worried I was going to weld it the wrong way because I kept kicking it up wrong. So I had everything positioned correctly and double checked. Then I flipped the part around up get to one of the welds and forgot about it