Happy Birthday MakeICT! From the 3D Printing Basics class

Happy Birthday MakeICT, from the latest group of enthusiasts to be let loose on the Prusas! 11 is certainly a prime number to celebrate.

3D printing has been a staple at MakeICT forever, with the first Intro class showing up on the calendar on August 17 2013. That’s a long legacy, and what better way to spend Founder’s Day?

I was first introduced to 3D printing at WSU by MakeICT founder @TomM in May of 2013. Awestruck would be an understatement! And big thanks to @Christian and @jameslancaster for making me, and so many others, feel empowered to print all the things through their 3D Printing classes over the years.

Thanks to @bradcozine for being co-pilot on the class today. Team teaching really does work well.

If you’re interested in learning more about 3D printers, lending a hand with machine maintenance, and reviving the 3D Printing Group, please reach out. We’re looking at doing group meetings on the second Wednesdays of every month starting January 2024.

We’re also planning some additional classes that will cover basic 3D modeling and more advanced printing techniques. Look for those starting in January also.

And a reminder that the FabLab Workday is this Wednesday, 12/6 at 6pm. Please join us.


Great job and nice write-up, @gemma!