Glazes Refilled, New Glaze to Try!

Went shopping today! Replaced a couple glaze bottles that were running low. Also have more mix for dip glaze no 17 - Pacific Blue which we’ll get mixed up in the next few days to refill that dip bucket. Dip glaze no 12 - Pam’s Blue has to be ordered in if we want to refill that one. Do we? Do we want to refill Pam’s Blue? Let us know below in the comments.

Also, it’s time to try something different! @michelle has had good luck with this Power Turquoise and lots of folks have asked her about it, so I picked one up for everyone to try. If it’s popular, we’ll consider adding it to our regular stock in the future. Sample tiles coming soon.

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LOOKING GOOD!!! The sample picture shows a beautiful bright vibrant turquoise.