*medium speed, 12 hr to complete, 12 min hold
*tight stack on half of middle oposite pyrometer (there were a lot of plates, still more, several didn’t make it in)
*9 inch opening on the side with the pyrometer for larger pieces
*layered glazes did well throughout the kiln (including refires)
*some pinholes on the tight middle stack of plates
*some test tiles seem slightly overfired, all were in the middle sracks or mixed with the large pieces
*there are several green pieces (maybe with crystals??) that did well in multiple areas of the kiln (not sure of the glaze but it was really stable and consistent). If these are yours it would be good to know what glaze you used…I’ll come in later and mark up the pics.
*maybe a drop and hold to allow pinholes to heal
Mike, thanks for doing the fire and what a fantastic note!
Very much appreciated.