Glass Etching

I have some Pyrex measuring cups that have lost most of their measurement demarcations. I was wondering if there was a glass etching person or area that I (or they) could help me upgrade my stuff.


What are you looking for?

Isn’t Pyrex warranty for life?


It’s possible that @aletha409 has the older, borosilicate Pyrex brand measuring cups and doesn’t want warranty replacement, because the replacement(s) won’t be oven proof. (Or, really safe when microwaved).

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I looked, and, ironically. The ones that need fixed are Anchor brand.
Maybe that’s why they need replaced…

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If you wanted to do a DIY, you could try some Armour etching cream. You could do a template from vinyl and use the cream… it was pretty easy when I used it to etch a glass…


Or tape up new markings and lightly sandblast it.

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@Christian is this something that could be knocked out really easy on the laser cutter with the rotary doodad?

If it’s the type of measuring cup I think in it is, then the shape would likely make it pretty tricky.

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Honestly, I looked up buying new ones, and that’s probably a lot less effort. Thanks anyway! :slight_smile: