Get Your Raffle Tickets!

I plan on being at our new building tonight (Tuesday) from 7 to 8 pm to check out tickets to any member who’s willing to help us sell them. Come on by and pick up some tickets to sell! You don’t need any cash to check out a batch of tickets – just your promise to return any unsold tickets, along with the money for what you sell. It’s a lot of fun and this will be a HUGE help for MakeICT! Come on by tonight between 7 and 8. If you can’t make it but would like to get some tickets to sell, send me a message (@David).

I also have a couple books of tickets on me if anyone wants a few.

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I would like two books.

I can probably bring you your tickets this afternoon or evening. You can text or call me at 316-308-6077.

Anyone else need tickets to sell? This is what is paying for our new building, construction, and utilities until we’re allowed to open our doors again. It’s also a lot of fun and a great way to introduce people to MakeICT! Each packet has a glossy flyer that you can simply hand to someone. The tickets sell themselves…I’ve sold 19 since Thursday, and I haven’t even started trying yet!

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