Get together for a bite and to discuss our moving-in budget tonight if you can

The Board and any other members interested in sharing ideas about the many tasks to complete when moving into our new place will be getting together tonight INFORMALLY at 6 pm at the new campus. Many of us are bringing food, so I suppose we’d call it a pot luck, but feel free to bring something or not.

Sorry about the short notice, We’re under the gun and doing our best to keep things moving, but still need details to be kept somewhat confidential from the general public for a few more weeks. This makes announcements of any kind a bit difficult. If you’re a member, head on over to the Inner Workings category. There you’ll see the full announcement that was made several days ago. Tonight’s deal is just an informal a discussion to prepare and plan for the official Board meeting on this special budget area on Sunday. Think of it as friends wanting to be thorough and not forget anything.

If you are completely confused, send me or any Board Member a note, and we’ll try to get you up to date. This is an off-the-cuff, informal, non-official thing, so you’re not going to be left out if you can’t make it on short notice. We hope a discussion tonight will help us to get ideas and thoughts together for the official stuff on Sunday. Thanks for your understanding and for being an all-around great group of folks!




Would love to go, but can’t, can someone take notes and post them? I’d like to know about what all I need to start raising funds for.

BTW: I want to do a Kansas Health Foundation grant to create a community garden and healthy cooking classes.


I’m not sure if any arrangements have been made for notes tonight, but we’ll have the full budget proposal by Sunday, and can make sure you get that.


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I’ve set up a file on the drive

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