Geocaching Question

Hello all,

I’ve recently gotten back into the wonderful world of Geocaching, and was curious if I could leave a Geocache on the property, probably down by the river area. I’m considering making a series of caches highlighting old school buildings around town that have been repurposed, pending approval of all the owners of the schools of course.

Geocaching, for those unfamiliar, is a globally played game of hide-and-seek. Caches are hidden outdoors and players are given exact GPS coordinates of where to find them. They can be any size from a small sticker on a lamp post, to an ammo can. The one I’d like to place would be the size of a pill bottle. Each Geocache contains a log where finders can write their name/date found along with various trinkets like buttons, plastic toys, cool rocks, or special tokens. The finder is encouraged to add new items if they take anything from the cache.

Geocaches require consent from the party who is in change of the land they are placed on in order to be approved, so I thought this would be the best way to seek that approval. Let me know if that’s something I can get from someone here, or if I need to contact someone else.

Thanks in advance!


Anything beyond the tree line is city property and they do the upkeep. That being said, I think this is a wonderful idea and I would be happy to share on our social media once it’s in place.


Just don’t share WHERE on the property it is. That’s part of the fun.


I like it. Perhaps the best spot is in the Garden? Do you need a written letter of consent?
If so, is there a standard letter that the board can approve and I sign?

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The garden seems like a prime spot. Anywhere near the river and RoW/Flood Control mowers will likely turn your cache into trash-e.

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If you’re ever looking for a geochache partner, I’m down. I give up too easily when I go by myself! Friend me, and I’ll try to find the one’s you get! Brad Cozine

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I enjoy team geocaching as well. Also metal detecting and magnet fishing.

The Geocache has been placed and the page for it has been approved and published! Here’s a link to it if anyone would like to find and log it :slight_smile: