First and foremost, I want to reintroduce myself. I’m Sean. I’m the Garden Area Lead. I know the last few months at MakeICT have been interesting to say the least, traumatizing to say the most. I hate that any area has devolved into this and I think we’re all due for a deep breath in and deep breath out. This isn’t to minimize the hurt and distrust that’s happened, or the outright neglect (myself included) of the garden. But I want to move forward with the mission that me and a few others had when we took on the work of creating a community garden at MakeICT. Even in its current state, we’ve accomplished so much and we have a lot to look forward to. Let’s get busy.
That being said: as area lead, I will not have tolerate combativeness. We all have opinions. That’s to be expected when you gather people together. But we can treat each other with respect, give others the benefit of the doubt that they mean well and work together. Bringing up old, dirty laundry won’t be tolerated. It’s time to move on.
The current state of the garden is an overgrown jungle. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. There are many fruits and vegetables growing in that jungle. The pollinators are happy. But we need to tame it this year before starting fresh next year.
At this point, I’m not going to institute any formal garden meetings. I’ve created a message thread of those who I know are working in the garden currently. There’s no reason to try and create a coordinated effort this late in the season. If you want to be involved in the maintenance of this jungle, please message me and I’ll include you. Otherwise, we’ll reconvene in late winter and prepare for a great 2024 growing season.
Peace and love.