Garden Caretaker Schedule

Here’s a quick mockup I made for a caretaker schedule for the garden. In order to avoid over or under watering, losing track of harvests, volunteering your time via weeding or anything else, I think it would be helpful to assign each day to a committee member. I’m happy to pick up two days myself (not including Sunday work days). This doesn’t necessarily mean that the assigned person has to water the entire garden or put in hours of labor on your assigned day–it just means someone was there, walked through the garden, made some observations and let other people know if they were able to get some work done. Maybe a bed is looking super dry, but you had to run to a meeting. Maybe you picked some very ripe tomatoes and left some on the table. Stuff like this is a valuable thing to know. I know we had issues last year of overwatering because of lack of communication. Thoughts?


If this gets instated and you would like a QR code for easy access we can do that in Canva and make a laminated sign.


Great idea!


I’m down for trying it. I was thinking I could start today then I realized you have it starting next week, so I’ll just plan to try to remember then!

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