Fusion 360 classes

I have a Fusion 360 class Thursday and Friday at 7pm. There are lots of spaces in it. If you have never done Fusion before and would like to learn, join the class.

Also anyone who had the class in the past and would like to refresh their skills, you are welcome to come sit in and ask questions. Bring a project if you have one!


I do want to take the class sometime but don’t have time this week.

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Don’t worry. I will offer it again.


Have you messed with OnShape? I’m really liking it and recommending it to lots of folks, I think we should shift that way. Fusion360 is being downright mean with their licensing structures for hobbyists. It’s like they don’t want to help the maker community anymore.


We’re so reliant on Fusion 360 because of the manufacturing side. For the plasma cutter, the post-processor and templates and all the instructions are tied into Fusion, and we’re going to be developing our tool library for the mini mill in Fusion as well.


I don’t like that all designs I’d create are public with the free version of OnShape.


@xrunner - have you tried FreeCAD recently? For parametric modeling, it’s all I use nowadays. (Sorry, @jameslancaster - I’d rather sketch than scad :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)


+1 for FreeCAD.

But, @gemma is 100% correct regarding the CAM side of the equation. The reason we sill recommend people look a Fusion 360 is because we can say the following. If you use Fusion 360 to do your modeling, we have the processing tools available to work with every CNC machine that we have at MakeICT. That is a compelling factor.

I would love to eventually be able to say that about FreeCAD as well. I think that may be doable, but not quite there yet.


I have FreeCAD loaded and I’ve played with it. If a class were offered for it - I’d try to attend. I’d rather use OS packages but Fusion 360 seems to get the most attention here.

It slow going for me to learn any CAD package because I start/stop/start/stop… and then it’s 3 months before I look at it again. By that time I’ve forgotten anything learned earlier. :person_shrugging:


My work has asked that i learned 360, this will be great.

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So your 360 classes was 2 days only? I’m sorry I’m not understanding obviously
Please let me know

I apologize and thanks

I have a beginner class in Fusion 360 that will mostly cover sketching. It is two days at 2 hours per day.
I haven’t held it yet, but I have a second class planned that will go into doing solids.


If you tell me what days suit you, I will try accommodating you. I have regular things I do on Mondays, Wednesdays and the next 7 Thursdays…

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Look forward to the beginner’s class

Im very interested in a Fusion 360 intro class, but may have been thru an online intro by the time you are ready to do nuts and bolts and laser scan drawings with us.

I am in Kentucky next long weekend oct 13-16,- and then in a local technical conference at NIAR from the 16th thru 20. Im sure I will have recovered for an evening class by the time you are ready.
Thanks for offering your time.

Btw, If you have a notebook, i may be interested, and may be able to also give evening classes.

Fyi, im playing footsie with another consulting client in Atlanta, for 3 mo+, but i may still be able to attend remotely.
[One of Atlantas biggest makerspaces, charges $360 quarterly for me.bership, and their big draw is… yes machinery… but also… classes. Which people pay hundreds of dollars for. Maybe I will tour the place during f2f interview phase … if there is one. I recall Ladeana’s instructor entreaty at orientation.

What board level questions might I take to them?. And btw, my last Atlanta based client was almost cutting edge in diversity policy. Fyi.