Free scrap wood in room 4, please post here what you have taken so that others will know. We will throw away any remainders friday. thanks!
I’ll be glad to come down tomorrow or Tuesday to get this:
Sounds great, thank you!!
I believe that some of that was to be used to make the bolt Rack and hangers for textiles. Please check with Jai or whoever was going to build that for us. Wood was also being discussed for the classroom curtains. Please check with facilities.
I’ll let you guys figure it out. Let me know if the piece I pictured is available and I’ll be glad to take it away.
Notifications for all the leads to look through the items in room 4 and claim items have been sent months in advance. This wood has been marked to be purged on the room 4 spreadsheet for over a month and this is the first I’ve heard that it is needed for anything in the space. If you want the wood for something let us know and we will set it aside for you, but I’m not able to track down whoever mentioned making shelving. So please let the inventory committee know within two weeks if you want it or not.