Describe it and it’s yours.
Wasnt there a post in ceramics about someone who lost a ring?
Nov '21
Hello! Last night I was working on some projects in the studio and somehow misplaced my grandmother’s ring! It is a silver shaped ring with turquoise and coral, if anyone happens across it please let me know!
Thank you so much my number is 3074218138 if you happen to find it.
“Curse the Baggins! It’s gone! What has it got in its pocketses? Oh we guess, we guess, my precious. He’s found it, yes he must have.”
Sorry, that’s not the style of ring I found in the parking lot. I’ll keep a lookout for it.
If it looks like a class ring and has the word “taekwondo” on the bezel, it’s mine, but I lost it a while back. Doubtful that it would turn up there now.
I lost a gold band that has “valerie” scribed on the onside. Wes Timmerman.
hahahaha@ the lord of the rings reference
OMG, Wes, did you find it?!?!
Yes, there was a missing ring in Ceramics. I believe she is still in ceramics doing pottery. That was the first thing I thought of Frank when I saw this post.
Yes, it was mine.