Forum warning letter?

Anyone else get a warning?

It would be expedient if the powers that be would tell, in the original letter, what comments were a violation and why.


Sure did

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We need to treat each other better. Not knowing where Sheldonp1968 lies on this subject, nne could interpret his statement to be taunting the other users in this thread. I am a moderator for this forum. Should I warn him that this isn’t being excellent? Should I leave it there for others to respond with increasing hostility? Should I wait to do that until someone has to be moderated or banned? Hey Sheldon, that statement is on the verge of getting you at least moderated. (I tend to be one of the ones who lets things go… so someone else may decide you need to be moderated.)


It appears the entire conversation of the Bee Kind Committee has been removed from the form?


I have stayed out of commenting on “discussions” mostly because of the hostility shown to anyone who has an opinion that differs to others. We need to stop interpreting people’s text statements by our own biases and prejudices and accept them at face value. NONE of us can read minds and therefore imputing motivations or extrapolating text statements to mean something other than what was stated is merely showcasing our own thought processes. The BEST way to clarify is to ASK the person what they mean if you are uncertain.



I agree and I’m a moderator too. And I’ve been reluctant to moderate messages. It’s hard to know if someone intends the tone of a message that I perceive as unlikely to be part of a healthy discussion.

Part of my reluctance comes from the fact that many are receiving this forum via email. And that once there’s been a response to a particular posted message moderating the message may create a lack of context for the response.

I’ve been tempted to hide this entire thread due to the likelihood the original post could be trying to stir something up. Something unlikely to benefit the community of members using the forum.


It’s unlisted but still exists. I assume it’s for a reason or possibly something done automatically to locked topics, but it still shows up on google if you search the name of the committee.

Re: moderation - if things are getting heated I feel it’s probably more prudent to let moderators moderate as needed and not waste board meeting time on it days or weeks later, but that’s my opinion.


I agree. This is why I try to clarify my tone when I contribute to a heated discussion. Ive had many online misunderstandings (luckily outside of the forum) when people thought I was being sarcastic when I was being genuine.

When I was a preteen my favorite Christmas present was a pair of fuzzy socks from my grandma. My feet were always cold so I wore them around the house the whole time. I made a public post on facebook saying “Thanks for the socks grandma!” Well I nearly got grounded for making a “rude” post until my parents realized that I truly meant it.

Especially as a neurodivergent person, things I say (online or in person) are often misinterpreted, and I often misinterpret things that others say as well. Sarcasm often goes over my head. If I had received this email, I would likely be confused as well. I would need someone to highlight what I said and how it was interpreted for me to understand entirely and avoid the mistake again. And hiding the bee forum certainly doesnt help either if someone wanted to go back and review what was said. I think it is only fair to tell the moderated individual said that caused them to be moderated.


Well, i sincerely apologize and will remove the comment. Being called put publicly like this has triggered some ptsd that i thought i had gotten over. Jesse and Gaye are both good friends and i was just teasing them a little. However, others might not see it that way. I will self moderate in the future.


I am sorry this has proved triggering to you Sheldon as you did nothing wrong, unfortunately your comments were misinterpreted but it should not lead you to censor yourself. This whole thing is an example of the harm that can be done to people because of a failure to confirm what is actually meant.


its much appreciated. ill just concentrate more on my work at makeict and less on the social side for awhile until things cool off. People take themselves too seriously i guess.

i might pop on every now and then in a few weeks or so.

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Life in 2D is not the same as life in 3D, unfortunately we use our 3D experiences to fill in the gaps of a 2D world. Yet it still fails us at times.


Biggest part of making funny or cute replies is you can’t see the expression on someone’s face to see if they are joking. There are members that like to pounce on a statement meant to be informative of an equipment malfunction and single you out. I’m not sure why that is. But they open themselves up to disciplinary actions by upper management. Child like actions/or replies have no place in any forum.


I would disagree. MakeICT is meant to foster creative minds and I think it would be silly to ban all jokes or sarcasm. Some of us just need to be smarter about individual boundaries and how we phrase things. Ive been on many forums or pages involving sarcasm and ribbing between good friends that have had no problems. There just seems to be a disconnect in communication with this forum.


I agree, we have to have sarcasm and dimwhitted jokes … otherwise @james.a.seymour would never post on the forum.


It is hard to interpret sarcasm and jokes when they are written out. Not being able to see a person’s face can make all the difference and it helps to know who the person is as well. My friend Dean is funny and makes jokes all the time. I know this about him. He made a joke to my friend Marsha and offended her. She did not interpret what he said as a joke. Sometimes it is helpful to add an emoji (or at least I hope it is… cause that’s what I do when I try to make a joke… but often my jokes aren’t that good… so I need the emoji). Sorry if that triggered you… I am just trying to keep people from having to be monitored on the forum.