(fixed now) Heater in the fab lab won’t turn on

It’s just blinking green. When I showed up to teach his class, someone had turned the thermostat all the way to the bottom, which I know we’re not supposed to do, and all the troubleshooting guides I see online talk about number of blinks and not continuous blinking. The green light is just blinking continuously. I tried turning it off and turning it on again using the switch next to it - no luck.


Never mind James fixed it!

I had tried slapping the heater, that didn’t work, we had to slap the thermostat :joy:


That’s the second time someone has turned the FabLab heater all the way to off at the thermostat.
What a bummer that they can’t read the sign and set it at 60.
I’m glad tapping (slapping) the thermostat worked.
You are correct, the green blinking light is a diagnostic. A constant blinking light means ‘system ready’.


Wonder if we need to 3D print some sort of “Winter” stop guard that would not let it go below 60. Might be a pain to put them on in the winter, but if it is a problem could be worth it.


oh shoot I forgot - I was going to mark up the sign to say “turn heater to 60 AND NO LOWER” but I couldn’t find a sharpie at the time, then forgot about it. I think that would help, because people see the sign and think “oh we want to save energy” and they don’t understand the second goal of also having 3d printers that work.


For the sake of keeping stuff at a decent temp, a way to prevent it being set lower might be a good idea. Bigger picture though, the thermostat should not have a problem with being set to off and then being turned back up. I would suggest that somebody ought to open up the thermostat and clean the contacts so that doesn’t continue to happen.

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