First festival booth

Im building my first festival booth in my garage for the haysville fall fest this weekend!

Just finished this rack I made fron pvc pipe to hold some of my artwork. I really like how it turned out. And its collapsible too. Im building a second one for the other side. It’s in my garage now, but will have a white tarp hung behind.



I’ve seen a lot of people fill buckets with concrete at the Renaissance Fairs to help their displays handle the Kansas winds better. Is your booth going to be out in the open or in a building?


Outside. With luck it won’t be bad. 5 to 10 mph wind tomorrow. Today is the worst though. I have nothing in the tent now. It’s just standing in the field staked down like a big sail in a sea of other tents. Mine will probably be the one flipped upside down with 5 other tents wrapped up in it tomorrow morning! :crossed_fingers:

And… the park is now closed to vehicles so if I decide to bring buckets of concrete I get to carry them across the park.

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I wanted to add that the bases of my pvc pipe rack will be staked down also. On the right of the picture you can see it it’s zip tied to the tent upright. On the upper left it is roped to the (admittedly weak) structure of the tent. And on the bottom it will be staked to the earth throug these T joints at each corner.


And here’s my friggin awesome banner!


The festival went well and everything held up perfectly. Now to get all this stuff put away!

I definitely had a few standout pieces that I could’ve sold had I made more. One in particular sparked a lot of conversation and sold out with orders for more! I really enjoyed making that one and will be doing more like it! And more festivals too!

Had some friends show from makeict also! That was awesome! Thanks guys!


Some more thoughts about the festival. The craft area had much more traffic than the commercial area that I stuck my booth in. Although I was able to meet a lot of business people that way, those who want me to do work for them, I feel that my art prints weren’t seen by most of the people who might’ve appreciated it more. The craft area was shoulder to shoulder all day, whereas the business area was steady but far fewer customers. And I was surrounded by Tupperware and flooring type companies. So even though I was able to line up potential work, I didn’t get as many folks who appriciate the art itself. I’ll have to look into it, but I really think I might get my choice, I mean im a little bit if both.

Also, lol there were a lot of kids with their parents who came through the booth. Later in the day I decided to walk the booths and see what was going on everywhere else, and all over the place kids would see me and say look there’s that guy that does the artwork! Like every 20 ft I would hear that. I love kids.

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That’s good. Kids who like the arts need hero’s just as much if not more than kids who like sports.


Not me…it takes a lot of salt & pepper, and even then I’m not likely to eat them unless they’re running loose in the makerspace.