Facilities Work + Report 1.22.2025

  1. Furnace filters (20x20x1) in South Hall changed, thanks James and Steve
    a. decision to purchase a box and store it in the chase above
    b. flex duct installation needs review and adjustment for more efficiency: add elbows at plenums and outlets and assess duct attachments to plenums. North Furnace has the most pressing concern.
  2. Garage: possible work evening of breaking down old AC units to component scrap parts for disposal. Discussion of how best to dispose of florescent tubes discarded by LED replacement, Steve will call hazardous waste to assess cost.
  3. West Hall: cleaned contacts and thermostats for all rooms. Heater blower fan in Jewelry/Cold Metal shop is making a concerning noise on startup, will monitor. All heaters were functional. James added a sticker to each thermostat that set a functional limit at 60.
  4. Discussion of changing out all of the soap dispensers to a more user friendly and functional system. Jai will investigate.