Work Agenda for Feb. 4 @ 6pm
- metalshop exhaust fan report
- south hall heater duct
- planning & coordination for bulb replacement in classrooms
any other concerns are welcome
Work Agenda for Feb. 4 @ 6pm
any other concerns are welcome
James and I , independently, examined the metal shop exhaust fan and determined that it worked as expected.
Steve, Jim, James and I completed the LED conversion in 2 out of 3 light bays in Classroom 1
The loose duct on Heater 3 in the South Hall chase was re-attached to the plenum and secured.
Finish LED conversion in Classroom 1 next Tuesday.
LED Classroom 2 or 4 Saturday afternoon Feb. 15. Will need more volunteers (6-8 would be ideal)
Is Facilities meeting every Tuesday?
Yes, we meet around 6.
I’ll try to make a post the Monday before with our expected work list.
Next Tuesday the plan is to finish up the last bay of lights in Classroom 1.