Event Updates for October 2024

Bank Appraisal

Time: Oct 21 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Host: Aaron Grindstaff
Price: MakeICT Members - $0.00
Price: Non-Members - $0.00

The bank will be here to take an appraisal of the building to support our mortgage. People in the space during this time may be interrupted as they check in on the rooms.

Extra Class Amateur Radio License Course

Time: Oct 27 12:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Host: Randy Reynard
Register: http://makeict.wildapricot.org/event-5828860

MakeICT Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator License course, Session 4. Sign up for the class on 10/19 the others will be included
This is the highest level Amateur Radio license for those who already have their General Class license (or want a deeper dive - even if you don't intend to test for the license.)
There will be a total of 25 classroom hours plus the testing.
There will be 4 sessions to the class, each one is unique and to get the most out of the course students should attend all 4:
Session 1: 10/19 9AM-5PM with an hour break for lunch (8 Hours)
Session 2: 10/20 12-5PM (5 Hours)
Sessions 3: 10/26 9AM-5PM with an hour break for lunch (8 Hours)
Session 4: 10/27 12-5PM (5 Hours)
Testing: TBD

Students will purchase their own course book. It is: the "Ham Radio School Extra Class License Course"


for more information e-mail: learnhamict@gmail.com

New Member Orientation Tuesday

Time: Oct 22 07:00 PM - 09:30 PM
Host: Membership Committee
Register: http://makeict.wildapricot.org/event-5920671
Price: MakeICT Members - $0.00

New Member Orientation sessions are required for all new members and exist to familiarize you with the building and the organization. To qualify for this session, you must fit the following requirements:
- Membership profile completed and approved
- Waiver Signed
- Payments are all current

This session will including a short slideshow about MakeICT and then an in-depth tour of the facility. Members will also sit down with a number of leadership and peer members for a brief discussion to allow us to get to know you. At the end of this session, you will get your key to the building so that you can come and go as you please.

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