Event notice: Woodturning: Maker Monday Edition (2022 Aug 22 - 06:30 PM)

Time: Aug 22 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
Instructor: John Nicholas
Register: http://makeict.wildapricot.org/event-4917539
Price: MakeICT Members - $10.00
Price: Non-Members - $5.00
Ages: 12 to 100

Makers should make things on Maker Monday. Turn something simple to find out what woodturning is about.

We will have several experienced woodturners, Members of South Kansas Woodturners, available. This week we will turn Part 1 of a Goblet. The outside. The Goblet is time honored turning project for newer turners. It combines several techniques. This project will take two sessions. The Maker Monday Sessions in August and September will be devoted to students turning either Part I or Part II of turning a goblet.

We wear Protective Face Shields (Safety) when turning. Dust or Cloth Masks are optional.

Kid Friendly, requires Parent with those under 16.

This exploring Woodturning Class does not qualify for Level 1 Lathe Authorization.